Working together
We are always looking for people who have practical skills who would like to contribute to our ongoing activities.
Upcoming projects are installing a greenhouse and rebuilding the pond. We are always happy to hear from anyone with practical skills, let us know if you would like to help, we'd love to hear from you.
We’re also hoping to build a community table for workshops and feast nights.
Send us a message on the Contact Us page.
Practical Things We Need
We’re thinking of having plant sales, if you have seedlings please watch this space.
We currently need to locate:
Small square plant pots for potting on.
A spare bag of seedling compost is always welcome.
We also need a paper potter as we’ve lost ours!
We also like to support other local projects:
Our local community centre KTCC have taken over some beds in Cantelowes Garden and are looking for volunteers to help with the gardening.
Their contact details are on their website:
Advice and Support
We welcome your advice and support.
Please go to the contact us page if you’d like to send us a message.
Thank you
We are grateful to so many people who have joined us and supported us on our journey. A special thank you to Dr. Trevor Weston and his family who believed in us right at the beginning. Thank you always to our lovely patients and staff who have provided us with things in response to previous call outs. Life is definitely better when we work together.
Homemade cake
Threads for Crafternoons Group

Homemade biscuits

Barley Straw for our pond
Needle felting kit for the Crafternoons group

Tadpoles for our pond
Materials for the Crafternoons group
Our beautiful trees